The terms and conditions of sale set out in this agreement and any special terms and conditions agreed in writing by the Seller.

All data (including, but not limited to, product descriptions) on this website may not be current or accurate. We do attempt to maintain all information at an up-to-date reasonable level but you should not use any of the information as matter of fact or as reliable information.

Any information or knowledge gathered from our website should not be used in any way for medical purposes. If you have any doubts about the medical suitability of any of our products please seek advice immediately from a qualified person such as your local doctor or GP (general practitioner). ( cannot be held responsible at all for any medical issues that may arise from the use of our products.

Our online shop has not carried out any medical research at this stage and therefore is not qualified to recommend a product’s medical suitability for an individual person to use. This website is the re-seller of products created outside our control and you take full responsibility for the use of our products regardless of the outcome.

This does not impact your statutory rights. Product pictures may vary from the product description. Buyer means the individual, company, or organization that purchases, buys, or agrees to buy the Goods from the Seller.


Goods may only be purchased by persons 21 years old and over. It is against the law to sell any electronic cigarette products to those under 21’s.

If the Seller discovers that the Buyer is not legally entitled to order certain Goods, the Seller shall be entitled to cancel the order immediately, without notice.



Do not keep/store or place an electronic cigarette in a pocket or in a handbag. Only store your e-cigarette in the carry case provided or safely secure in one of our lanyards, if you do not have one of these please ensure you purchase one from UAE electronic Shop.

Do not leave your e-cigarettes or liquid in direct sunlight. Always store in a cool place.


Electronic cigarettes are mainly used with e-liquid that may contain nicotine. Please follow these instructions:

  • If you intend to use an electronic cigarette, talk to your doctor first.
  • Do not use if you suffer from allergies, if you are pregnant, if you have heart or lung problems, if you suffer from high or low blood pressure, or before you have consulted your doctor.
  • Nicotine is addictive and should only be used with medical advice.
  • Keep away from children


OLOShop shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages resulting from, arising out of, or in any way relating to this site, or your use, or inability to use this site or the information, services or materials on or available through this site, even if anyone has advised of the possibility of such damages.

OLOShop shall not be liable for the completeness, accuracy, correctness, integrity, reliability, currency, adequacy, or suitability of the content or services provided on, or accessible from this site.


Warranties on items such as atomizers and cartomizers/clearomisers are “dead on arrival”. Due to the nature of these items and the semi-disposable association we cannot offer a long warranty on these items.

You must inform us within 3 working days if you have received a dead on arrival item so we can provide a replacement. Please note if a refund is required the product must be returned in an unused state and any sealed items must not have the seal broken.

We offer a 15 days warranty on other items such as (but not limited to) batteries, cases, chargers, etc. which cover any manufacturing faults. If a product shows signs of heavy damage or neglect, this may void your warranty. Please contact us via email at [email protected] only if you wish to submit a return request. Please provide as much information as possible so that we can deal with your query as quickly as possible. Refunds not covered above are covered by your standard statutory rights as a consumer of goods.

Note : Please note we process returns once per week when received/approved. Please be patient as we endeavor to deal with all returned goods within 15 days.


OLOShop accepts payment by cash on hand.


Delivery is from as per order. Small packages will be sent by 1st class and parcels will be sent by a courier of our choice. All orders will be dispatched asap, most of these being dispatched within 24 hours of purchase and a high percentage dispatched the same day.

We must deliver the Goods, to the Delivery Location by the time or within the period which you and we have agreed or, failing any agreement within a reasonable time; and without undue delay and, in any event, not more than 7 days after the day on which the Contract is made.

Delivery of the Goods shall be made to the Buyer’s address specified in the order and the Buyer shall make all arrangements necessary to take delivery of the Goods whenever they are tendered for delivery.


Please review our other policies, such as our warranty policy, posted on this site. These policies also govern your visit to our site. If any of these conditions shall be deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition. Dubai vape rules reserve the right to make changes to our site, policies, and these Terms at any time. Any changes to this policy will be posted on this website.